Friday, July 23, 2010

Zanders first ball game

Our neighbors shared their tickets with us last Friday to the Beach Bums game.  This was Zanders first Beach Bums baseball game and although we spent 1/2 of the time at the playground and the other 1/2 in the toddler room so Zander could crawl around and play with toys,we still had a fun time with our neighbors. 

And you know us, we try not to let anything touch Zanders mouth that isn't home grown, organic or contain sugar in it, haha, yah right, we decided to get the kid hooked on the most sugary food there is, cotton candy, and oh boy did he like that!!  After the game the fun continued with watching the fireworks. 

The night was perfect, the Beach Bums won and Zander is closer to becoming a sugar addict than ever before....Good times!

This was the first time that Zander show he was actually scared of something,
he was not taking his eye off of Sunburn!

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