Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Where'd ya get those shorts?

Ok, Hunter is going to kill me if he knows I'm posting this and I told him I was erasing the pictures, so please, please, please do not mention this to him, but it is just too darn funny to keep all to myself!

Last night while cooking dinner Hunter said, "Mom, come look at this" going into the bathroom where he was washing his hands, he wanted to show me his glow in the dark t-shirt he had on.  Before he turned off the lights and shut the door, making it pitch black with just the glowing snake jumping from his shirt, I noticed he had on a pair of navy blue, cotton, right below the knee, form-fitting with enough wiggle room, shorts on.  After the lights went back on and he was walking out in front of me I asked him, "Hey Hunter, where'd ya get those shorts?" "Oh, I got them out of the van." We had just gotten home from swimming at his friends house so I thought, oh he must have got them out of the swimming bag that was still in the van. 

As I continued staring at Hunter and studying his shorts, thinking to myself that I don't remember Hunter ever having navy blue, cotton shorts that fit just below the knee with front pockets and a drawsting and then it hit me.......No, Hunter doesn't have navy blue shorts that fit just below the knee, but Zander has navy blue, cotton pants with pockets in the front and a draw string.  Tugging Hunters shoulders and turning him around, pulling up his shirt and yep sure enough my 5 1/2 year olds little tush and skinny legs fit into my 9 month olds chubby legged 12 month pants. 

And you know me, this was the perfect picture moment that Hunter was not having, but yet he kept these pants/shorts on for the rest of the evening, even playing outside in them.

HAHAHAHAHAHA Oh my gosh I'm still cracking up!!!

Here's Hunter lunging for the camera

And here he is walking away not too happy that I snapped a picture

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