Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blue Angels

They came in with a roar and they left with us wanting more.  The Blue Angels were in town flying around for the National Cherry Festival.  They thundered through Downtown Traverse City bringing their booming and at times ear-peircing sound and their tremendous speed.  With their practice sessions going right over top and in front of my office, it was hard to concentrate on work so we went outside and watched them.  Saturday we made it down to the beach with about a thousand of our closest friends to watch the Blue Angels performance.  Hunter as always loved them, but Zander really didn't even notice them, he just kept on playing in the sand and trying to find anything to put in his mouth.

In Traverse City you either love the Blue Angels or hate them for how loud they are, our family is one that absolutely loves them and wishes we could see them more often than every 2 years. 

The Blue Angels flying over our office building

Zander getting ready to pounce on Hunters sand creation

Jason with our friends/neighbors Kim, Nate and Mya

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